Emerging technologies transforming the industry

Nordic IndTech demonstration · April 21
Warmly welcome to the 6th event in a series of activities within the Nordic IndTech umbrella, aiming to create a sustainable industry by connecting the dots between Nordic world leading Industry companies and technology frontiers from Silicon Valley. This event is focusing on showcasing different emerging technologies from the Nordics and from Silicon Valley used within industries. This event will then be followed by a match making session creating collaboration opportunities between companies from the Nordics’ and from Silicon Valley.
Sign up to the webinar here!
Important decisions that impact process industry and automation should be based on facts, not guesses, wishes, theories or opinions. Today’s emerging technology helps by enabling both people and the equipment to collect and process the facts they need to achieve better results.
The accelerated deployment of technologies such as low-cost sensors and their connection to the internet in combination with high-speed internet (5G) has created a lot of hype about the future of process industry and manufacturing an is key for creating a more sustainable industry of tomorrow. The Internet of Things (IoT) and its application of big data and analytics has led to the creation of the next generation industries. This involves using data and data analytics to reduce costs through new age sales and operations planning, dramatically enhanced productivity, supply chain and distribution optimization, and new types of after-sales services with increased knowledge about the end-users and their needs. To accelerate this Nordic IndTech enhance collaborations across the Atlantic, creating a more sustainable industry together.
Who are you?
You are probably working on a daily basis as a project leader or with strategic question at an industry company in the Nordics’ and open for starting interesting collaborations and/or strategic alliances within this field.
About Nordic IndTech
This demonstration event followed by a cross-atlantic matchmaking between software companies and Nordic industry is the 6th event out of a series of events within the Nordic Innovation House Silicon Valley stronghold Nordic IndTech organized by Automation Region and PiiA (the strategic innovation program Process industrial IT & Automation). The aim is to decrease the gap between Nordic world leading process industry and automation companies and tech frontiers from Silicon Valley creating a more sustainable next generation automation together. By combining need owners with automation and tech companies, our goal is to support the industry in the next step of digitalisation.
There is currently a strong interest globally to learn how heavy industry from Sweden works with innovation. PiiA, Automation Region, and Vinnova therefore started a new focus area 2019 in Sweden called Indtech and have under 2020 decided to internationalize this area in collaboration with Nordic Innovation House Silicon Valley and our fellow Nordic countries in Silicon Valley calling it Nordic Indtech with a series of acitivties planned under 2020 – 2021 under the Nordic Indtech umbrella.
More information
- PiiA – the strategic innovation program Process industrial IT & Automation →
- Nordic Innovation House Silicon Valley →
- Automation Region →
- Sustainable Manufacturing Finland →
Practical information
Date: April 21th, 2021
Time: 17-19 CET (18-20 EET, 8-10 PST) · Add to calender
Place: Zoom, we will provide you with the link before the seminar
Questions: Please contact Catarina Berglund or Peter Wallin