PiiA Research

Academic research can make a significant contribution to providing the Swedish process industry with the IT and automation solutions it needs to remain a world leader.
PiiA Research aims to strengthen, coordinate, and facilitate networking between research groups in Sweden who are working within the process-industry IT and automation field. Research work in this area is cross disciplinary, involving areas of science ranging from sensor technology and applied mathematics through to production economics.
One of the ways that PiiA is strengthening research efforts is through a national program aimed at ensuring that universities have the ability to plan, lead, and conduct research development and innovation projects within the PiiA sector, in the long term. The PiiA post-doctoral program was established through the creation of six postdoctoral positions between 2014-16. During 2020 – 2022 four new postdoctoral positions were financed.
Meanwhile, PiiA plans a number of activities each year to allow for the coordination of its various research areas and to encourage networking between those involved. These initiatives complement the existing regional networks, and are aimed at coordinating research initiatives on a national level and creating networks at the doctorate and researcher level.