Open call: Data analysis in process industrial value chains, spring 2022

The purpose of this call is to increase the sustainability and competitiveness of the Swedish process industry by increasing the use of new technology and advanced data analysis in value chains linked to the process industry, both within and between companies.
What can you apply for?
Initiate and carry out feasibility studies as well as research, development and innovation projects (FUI- project ) with a focus on digitization of process industrial value chains.
Who can apply?
Consortia consisting of companies, universities, colleges, research institutes and other relevant actors (legal entities).
How much can you apply for?
Preliminary SEK 600,000-5,000,000 depending on the type of project.
Important dates:
24 feb – Call opens
26 may 14.00 – Call closes
1 sep – Decision given
15 sep – Projects allowed to start
14 oct – Projects must start at the latest