IoTSP – Industrial Internet of Things Services and People

There is a lot of talk and activity in the industry around Internet of Things, Industrie 4.0, Cyber Physical Systems and the digital revolution. More and more countries and companies are creating different initiatives addressing these topics that sometimes has been labeled as the fourth industrial revolution. ABB together with PiiA and SICS are now starting a strategic initiative to support Swedish process and automation industry to address these challenges and possibilities. The initiative, “Industrial Internet of Things, Services and People” will help to ensure that Sweden is well positioned within Process industrial IT and Automation also in the future.
The initiative includes research, innovation as well as, soft- and hardware technology development based on advances in cyber physical systems and cloud computing technology, combined with the communication infrastructure of future 5G technology. This will create the foundation for the next generation smart, collaborative industrial devices and systems. New services and business models will be added on top of this foundation to meet the needs of the industry and the people working in it. Every device, (“thing”), will have services that can be embedded in the device, in local on-site servers (edge computing) or in the cloud.
The project starts in January 2016 and will deliver several demonstrators to showcase the great possibilities that can be created for Swedish industry. A fundamental assumption is that essential parts of the project will be open to a broad spectrum of industrial stakeholders. This will support interoperability, thereby attracting a critical mass of industrial players, and ultimately enable IoT in large scale heterogeneous automation systems. Therefore, substantial effort will be put on external communication, e.g., through seminars, international scientific publications, and articles targeting the general public.
IoTSP is lead by SICS and ABB Corporate Research, it is financed by Vinnova and the strategic innovation program PiiA. Other partners are LKAB, Boliden, Mälarenergi and Sandvik.
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