Industry data analysis workshop, November 17th

Industry data analysis workshop
Date: 2020-11-17, 18:00 – 21:00
Welcome to our virtual Sweden Innovation Days workshop Nov 17th about Data analysis in connected industries. The aim of this online workshop is to identify and define common challenges and pain points working with gathering and analyzing data, and how we might overcome them together.
You will get the possibility to brainstorm with companies from a diverse background involving both Nordics and Silicon Valley based industry as well as data technology companies.
Please note that active participation is required during the entire three-hour session. The number of participants is limited.
Who are you?
You are probably working on a daily basis with strategy related questions, with an interest in industry data analytics and are open for starting interesting collaboration within this field.
Nordic IndTech – a new Nordic Stronghold
The workshop is a first out of a series of events within the Nordic Innovation House Silicon Valley stronghold Nordic IndTech organized by Automation Region and PiiA. The aim is to decrease the gap between the Nordic world leading base industry and automation companies and tech frontiers from Silicon Valley creating a more sustainable next generation automation together. By combining need owners with automation and tech companies, our goal is to support the industry in the next step of digitalisation.
More information:
- PiiA (Open Call for Proposals) →
- Read the PiiA report ”Swedish IndTech” →
- Sweden Innovation Days →
- Nordic Innovation House Silicon Valley →
- Automation Region →
Practical information
Date: 2020 Nov 17th
Time: 18-21 CET (9-12 PST) · Add to calender
Place: Zoom, we will provide you with the link in the confirmation email
Questions:Please contact Catarina Berglund or Peter Wallin